Having Confidence to Reject Fear in The Midst of Chaos - REJOICE - Week 3 of Be still and Know God In Prayer



Think about it, if God is among us protecting us, providing for us, and committed

to us (no matter what), then why do we fear?  Why do we think we can protect

ourselves and provide for ourselves better than God?  Have you had that ‘Only God’

experience that puts to shame fear?  If you haven’t, then you’re not quite there

yet to dispel fear!

Mini Study

Psalm 46:7-9 NKJV

The Lord of hosts is with us;

The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah

Come, behold the works of the Lord,

Who has made desolations in the earth.

He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;

He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two;

He burns the chariot in the fire.


The Lord of hosts is with us; 
 The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah 

God is identified twice, The Lord of hosts (This identity of God appears in 1 Samuel 1:11 when Hannah prayed and requested a son. She acknowledges there is nothing too hard for God.) and The God of Jacob (God is Israel’s God and he keeps his promises; he did this for Jacob in Genesis 35:10-12). God is God of the community and God of the individual person. 

Again, the refuge is given but points to an overwhelming stronghold not just a protector. The God of Jacob means a great deal to us because it means ‘God’s Grace.’ Jacob was not known for his holiness, but God granted grace and mercy to Jacob. This should make us rejoice because we may be feeling like we are not good enough to receive God’s grace & mercy. Grace & Mercy is our refuge! 

Come, behold the works of the Lord, 
Who has made desolations in the earth. 

Now let’s consider God’s glory. If God can grant us grace & mercy, then remember those times he showed up in your trials and circumstances in ways that you still cannot fully explain. ‘BEHOLD THE WORKS OF THE LORD’ - his strength, his providing, his protection, his will! The same God that can wipe out a whole city, can build one. 

The same God! He can bring peace to the most raging war. We have too many reasons to rejoice with this informative word. 

He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; 

God can cause threatening wars to come to an end. This attack upon the people of God was, in reality, an attack on God Himself. In this desperate hour, the Lord stood with them and fought for them. God stood by their side and actively engaged in the conflict. 

He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two; 
He burns the chariot in the fire. 

God intervenes in the hour of their conflict and gives them the deliverance they so desperately needed. God is all-victorious. This is a worship Psalm of trust. The people trusted that God would be there in His power and His might. In this, there will be no more weapons because God destroys them all. And there will be a time of peace; a peace the world has never known.

The Psalmist says, “Behold the works of the Lord.”  This leans to that

‘Only God’ moment.  Only God can do the impossible and the unfathomable! 

His power and His might cannot be described, therefore, REJOICE and relax

in the realization that only our God can and will protect, provide, and commit

to us in ways that puts fear to shame.  All we need to do is believe and trust him.

Let Us Pray

Father God, In the name of Jesus, we call on your omni-present power!  We rejoice in the knowing of your refuge and your strength that when we need you, you are there for us in ways that we cannot explain.

Father, we are in awe of your works and humbly ask for your protection in everything we do or say.  Bring peace to our conflicts and intervene when we can no longer stand.

Father, we trust in your power and might and we claim the victory now in your Son Jesus name.  Thank you for loving us enough to do the impossible on our behalf and for providing a peace that we have never known.

Lord, hear our prayer!


Sing A Song of Praise

Affirm Today

"I Trust His Power & His Might To Bring Peace To All My Conflicts"

Let's go deeper!  Join me and other sisters for the next 5 weeks on Sundays to really sink our thoughts and actions into the weekly verses.  Click here to join the Prayer Circle!

Something to Ponder
-Respond in the comment section on the questions below-
  1. If God is among us protecting us, providing for us, and committed to us (no matter what), then why do we fear? 
  2. Why do we think we can protect ourselves and provide for ourselves better than God? 

Fun Activity

Download this word search coloring page to send to your sister or share with friends! 
