About SPS


Welcome to a Divine Journey of Sisterhood and Prayer!


Event Description

Embark on a journey where fellowship meets divine connection – welcome to the Secret Prayer Sisters event! This isn't just an event; it's a sacred voyage for women to unite, pray, and uplift one another. Here's how it works:

  1. Sign Up and Connect: When you join, fill out a form, and then brace yourself for the divine mystery. You'll draw the name of another participating woman, and she becomes your Secret Prayer Sister for the upcoming weeks.

  2. Silent Prayer Partners: You become her silent prayer partner and her secret up-lifter. The beauty lies in the mystery – she doesn't know who picked her, and you don't know who picked you! Yet, rest assured, someone is caring for you in that special way too.

  3. Encouragement Through Prayer: Secret Prayer Sisters are about more than just names; they're about encouraging, praying for, and supporting each other through the transformative power of prayer. Keep your prayer sister a secret; let the joy of anticipation and the fun of guessing guide you. The grand reveal awaits at the end of the event.


Our overarching goal is profound – to learn and give intentional prayer to one another. As participants, you're encouraged to send a note or a heartfelt greeting card each week to your secret sister. It's a tangible reminder that someone is fervently praying on her behalf. Remember, no gift giving until the very end, preserving the focus on the pure essence of prayer.

Your Responsibilities in the Secret Prayer Sisters Journey

  1. Commitment is Key: Understand that this is a commitment. The sister you're assigned is expecting you to uphold her in your prayers, relying on you for encouragement.

  2. Daily Dedication: Pray daily for your sister. Dive into her needs and her family's needs so that your prayers are specific and heartfelt.

  3. Get to Know Her: Delve into your sister's world. Discover her likes and dislikes, favorites, and everything in between.

  4. Be the Light: Radiate encouragement. Send cards or notes of inspiration to brighten her days.

  5. Celebrate Special Moments: Remember her on special occasions – birthdays, anniversaries, and significant milestones in her life.

  6. Guard the Secret: Keep it a secret! Let the guessing game unfold, and leave your cards or notes when no one is around, or perhaps have someone else deliver them.

  7. Communication is Key: If you find yourself unable to continue, reach out to the women's ministry leader. Your dedication ensures the program's continuity, and if circumstances change, let someone know so another sister can step in for the lady you were assigned.

Join us on this divine journey of sisterhood, prayer, and discovery. May the spirit of connection and the power of prayer guide us through this extraordinary experience!

[Inquire About Hosting Your Own Secret Prayer Sisters Event]


Sonya Thomas
