God Is - Week 2 of Be Still and Know God In Prayer


This psalm encourages us to hope and trust in God.  We have come to realize through many trials that his power can supersede anything good or bad.  We can call on him and invite him into any situation and if we fully trust his process, we can relax in the fact that God will show up in his mighty power. 

Mini Study
Psalm 46: 4-6 NKJV

There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God,

The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High.

God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved;

God shall help her, just at the break of dawn.

The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved;

He uttered His voice, the earth melted.

Remember that this is the God of Jacob (God made a covenant with him) and God is in absolute control.  When God wants to do something, he will.  We must remember that he is sufficient to bring calm to any of our situations and trials even when all H-E-L-L is breaking loose.


(4) There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God,

The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High.

‘Streams (symbolic river)  shall make glad (The river flowing along) the city of God (Jerusalem)’ : The river is a symbolic image that points to abundance and provision; God’s abundance & provisions.  It is said that although Jerusalem was a significant historical city, there was no river.  So the idea of a river being a symbol of peace, divine presence and blessings paints a picture of God’s constant provision. The river makes the city glad which states that this water is peaceful and as a provision, it brings life and life flourishes.

‘The holy place (Jerusalem) of the Tabernacle of the Most High’:  The city is the place where God dwells with his people and today the tabernacle is the church.  We can be assured that where God is, the place where he dwells, he will provide.

(5) God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved;

God shall help her, just at the break of dawn.

God is (Jesus said that he is with us, even until the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). That means he is with us now) and so all blessings of the city come from God’s presence.  This is firm assurance that once we are firmly secure in trusting God’s ways, we do not need to worry or waiver even though everything around us may be.  We become established in the foundation of His Word which says there is no power on earth that can stand against God’s power.

Go back to Psalm 30:5, “For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.”  ‘God shall help her (Us; Christians):  God’s help is coming even if we don’t see it with our human eye and it is a timely help which means God knows exactly when and where to show up in the midst of our turmoil.

She shall not be moved, why?  Because of the unmovable nature of God and the nature of who God is!  We must rejoice in the nature of who God is.

(6) The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved;

He uttered His voice, the earth melted.

God sees no threats so he is not shaken by man’s nations.  God is omni-present.  Even Moses couldn’t handle God’s presence when God gave him the charge to free the Israelites from Pharaoh (Exodus 3:11).  God’s Word is transformative so think what hearing God’s voice would do to us mere human beings?  

Remember that this is the God of Jacob (God made a covenant with him) and God is in absolute control.  When God wants to do something, he will.  We must remember that he is sufficient to bring calm to any of our situations and trials even when all H-E-L-L is breaking loose.

Can you imagine yourself in a place where nothing can bother you?  You are not moved by any circumstance and whenever bad news comes your way, you take a moment to think about what was just said and your response is well thought out.  I think the person who is capable of this is someone who has learned to trust in God’s help.

As believers in him we can be encouraged that he is a present help; meaning that he is always close by ready to do what we need and able to handle anything.  Can you let those troubles go knowing that God’s power is sufficient and there is nothing on this earth that can show up in your life to pull you out of that trouble with such ease and grace?  I think if we consciously work on getting to know God  through his word and apply what we learn in his word daily through prayer, we can build up a confidence that cannot be shaken.  It is said, “when you know, you know.”  Well when you get to know that God is (fill in the blank) and you begin to fully trust his abilities by standing on each experience with him (how he showed up in each trial), then you become firm and unshaken anything that comes your way!

Let Us Pray

Lord, I come to you today humbling myself in knowing that only YOU can still these troubled waters.  The troubled waters in my mind, in my family, in my job, in my community; in situations that have yet to present themselves.  Lord only you can bring peace!  I am realizing this more and more each day as I learned to invite you in all things that are good and bad as well as the unseen.  Only you God can stabilize and bring order.

So I thank you God and ask that you still my thoughts especially when I try to figure out the trials in front of me.  Help me to turn to you without a second thought and release all cares to you.  Help me to remember each time you pulled me out of those troubled waters leaving me in awe of your powerful help; a help that cannot be explained but knowing that ONLY YOU LORD could bring that power.

Father, I thank you for your mercy and grace for only you know what’s best for me and thank you for giving me the space to grow into trusting your ways.

It is in Jesus name I pray,


Sing A Song of Praise


Affirm Today

"I am susceptible to being ravaged by trials and circumstances but by God’s favor, I will persevere!"

Let's go deeper!  Join me and other sisters for the next 5 weeks on Sundays to really sink our thoughts and actions into the weekly verses.  Click here to join the Prayer Circle!

Something to Ponder
-Respond in the comment section on the questions below-
  1. Do you know God to be a refuge and a great strength to you?  (2) Are you learning to trust God in spite of trouble?  What has been your process to trust him each and every day? 
  2. Are you learning to trust God in spite of trouble?  What has been your process to trust him each and every day?

Fun Activity

Download this bookmark & affirmation cards coloring pages to send to your sister or share with friends! 
