Be Still - Week 4 of Be still and Know God In Prayer



Prayerfully seek God in His Word.  Through our trials and circumstances, the nations (all throughout the earth) will Know God.  They will know what he is capable of and what he can do.  We grow closer to him as we learn to trust him more and more each day.


Be still, and know that I am God; 
I will be exalted among the nations, 
I will be exalted in the earth! 

The Lord of hosts is with us; 
The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah 

Stop resisting; surrender and recognize that God is the one and only true God. God does not require that we submit to this command, but maybe if we considered what would happen in the stillness of our thoughts and our busy doings. We could hear the Holy Spirit more clearly or the answers to the prayers we’ve said to God. 

Sit and think about this, how do we know God? How do we get to know His character and His divinity? God is commanding us to stop (Be Still) and look to him. In those moments of stillness, we will come to know who God is. In this he has made us promises; He will be exalted among the nations and He will be exalted in the earth. So, if he is with us and for us, then where are we? 


Prayerfully seek God in His Word. Through our trials and circumstances, the nations (all throughout the earth) will Know God. They will know what he is capable of and what he can do. We grow closer to him as we learn to trust him more and more each day. In the quietness, we will come to know God and the confidence is that when we are still, whatever the trouble may be, he will provide greatly for us in ways we could never provide for ourselves. 

By faith we are with him - trust and know that God Is. As Christians we must face the fact that we will always have trials. We will always have tribulation. Know that these trials & tribulations are not put in our paths to taunt us, they are there to remind us who God is to us! The world doesn’t know him the way you know him. The more we turn to him for refuge and strength, the more he is glorified to the world through our actions of depending on him. The more we SELAH, the faster we move through the challenges, become great examples for those who are looking at our Christian Character, and increase our faith.


My God, My God! You have done marvelous things in my life. Thank you for being my refuge and my strength. I have learned so many lessons in acknowledging all that you have done and I am looking forward to all that you are about to do. 

Lord, I ask that you continue to be my very present help in all things. Help me as I grow closer to you in your Word, as I praise you in worship, and as I bow down to pray; help me to surrender to trusting your ways. You know the desires of my heart, Lord and with each day, I will trust your answered prayer will encompass that. 




By Faith I Am With God, Trusting Him and Knowing Him Every Day!

Let's go deeper!  Join me and other sisters for the next 5 weeks on Sundays to really sink our thoughts and actions into the weekly verses.  Click here to join the Prayer Circle!

Something to Ponder
-Respond in the comment section on the questions below-

  1. How do you look at the trials in your life?  Good?  Bad?  Explain.
  2. What words, thoughts, or hesitations come to mind when God asks you to “Be Still?”

Fun Activity

Download this Verse Mapping Page to send to your sister or share with friends!
