Trusting God in Difficult Times - Week 1 of Be Still and Know God In Prayer


There is so much to consider in these three verses; who is God to you at this present moment, how do you feel about fear (False. Evidence. Appearing. Real.), and how do you react when everything around you seems to be crumbling and falling apart? We have to always stop and ask ourselves in moments of our lives, who do I know God to be today because we are ever evolving especially if we are really seeking him. Just as you read scripture, the verse is the same but wherever you are in your life when you read it, that scripture can take on new meaning. Be still and know God is our refuge. He is our strength and in this knowing, we don’t need to doubt him or have any fear that he will never leave us or forsake us even in the most chaotic of circumstances. So take that in…SELAH (think on what was just said; meditate on God. Ask the question, “What is He saying to me right now!”)

Mini Study
Psalm 46: 1-3 KNJV


God is our refuge and strength,

A very present help in trouble.

Therefore we will not fear,

Even though the earth be removed,

And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;

Though its waters roar and be troubled,

Though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah

Be still and know God is our refuge. He is our strength and in this knowing, we don’t need to doubt him or have any fear that he will never leave us or forsake us even in the most chaotic of circumstances.

God is our refuge and strength

Most students of the bible believe that this Psalm was written to describe the deliverance of Jerusalem from the Assyrians (2 Kings 18-20).  Proclaims God is our refuge and strength.  This proclamation has the feeling of assurance as if the person writing this knows it by experience.  God is our refuge (A place of refuge) and our strength (God's strength is immeasurable).

A very present help in trouble

He is an incomparable present help. We need God’s help, we need his strength, and we need to know beyond a shadow of doubt that he is with us every step of the way So, because God is these things, then we will not fear; right? 

Therefore we will not fear 

This is the logic of faith - learning to trust God one step at a time.  We cannot control God but we can ask Him to be in the midst of us and when he is, 'oh what a mighty display of strength and refuge does he provide!

Even though the earth be remove

And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea

Though its waters roar and be troubled

Though the mountains shake with its swelling. 

The author paints us the most horrific picture imaginable where fear would easily take over and possible not look to God for help.  But he says God is greater than all this trouble.  So if we just surrendered to the thought that no matter how big the obstacles in our lives, if we just looked to God for our help and strength, we then give him the Glory to magnify His blessings over it all!


Selah means stop and think about it. It’s a liturgical term that asks us to meditate and take in the truth and confidence that God reigns over ALL.

What have you gathered thus far on the assurance of God’s promises in your life? Have you ever really listened to someone's testimony on how God brought them through a very scary situation? Did you lean in on the anguish and pain in their voice as they were experiencing the worst of times; no idea how they were going to make it through? And then they paint a very descriptive picture of how God showed up in ways that they can’t even express fully because they are still in awe as to how he did it; brought them through. He was there to help and guide them through the worst trouble they had ever seen. BUT GOD! YES! Only God could have done it! There was a way out of no way and he not only brought them through it, he brought a peace that surpassed their own understanding.

Let Us Pray

Father God,

You and you alone are my refuge.  And as I continue to seek you Lord, I realize that you are the strength and you have the strength I need to go through any circumstance.  Whatever it is, Lord, you can and will bring me through it.  I realize this truth more and more each day as I look to you, not only during times of trouble, but I look to you for my joy and when I do this, I receive a great gift; a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Father, I ask that you never leave me even when I don’t see what you see.  Even when doubt creeps into my thoughts.  Even when I react without saying, SELAH to my spirit. Lord, I ask for your continued guidance in all things both big and small.  I ask that you remain my hedge of protection even from my own thoughts.

So I thank you Lord for the assurance of your love and for helping me to have no fear; for you have shown me time and time again that YOU are here.  I thank you for the troubled waters for in those waters I am brought closer to you and have an opportunity to know you better.

It is in Jesus name I pray this prayer, 


Sing A Song of Praise


Affirm Today

"I will not fear FOR GOD IS my refuge and HE IS my strength no matter what is going on around me! "

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Something to Ponder
-Respond in the comment section on the questions below-
  1. Do you believe, GOD IS?
  2. Who is God to you at this present moment, how do you feel about fear (False. Evidence. Appearing. Real.)?
  3. How do you react when everything around you seems to be crumbling and falling apart?

Fun Activity

Download this free note card to send to your sister or share with friends! 
