Powerful Prayer Points - Week 5 of Be Still and Know God in Prayer


I hope you enjoyed these past weeks of prayer.  Prayer is an amazing thing.  It's amazing to see how God answers prayer.  From my point of view, I wait in anticipation after words have been spoken, tears have poured out, and requests have been made.  Not knowing how God will show up but having the assurance HE WILL and HE DOES!  And when he answers that prayer, I am always amazed at the blessings he bestowed on me and those I prayed for.  Those moments of anticipation is the action of Being Still.

Below are some very powerful prayer points to think about and add to your walk with Christ.

Prayer Points

Powerful Prayer Points for Week 1
Be still and know God is our refuge. He is our strength and in this knowing, we don’t need to doubt him or have any fear that he will never leave us or forsake us even in the most chaotic of circumstances. So take that in…SELAH (think on what was just said; meditate on God. Ask the question, “What is He saying to me right now!”)

Powerful Prayer Points for Week 2
As believers in him we can be encouraged that he is a present help; meaning that he is always close by ready to do what we need and able to handle anything.  Can you let those troubles go knowing that God’s power is sufficient and there is nothing on this earth that can show up in your life to pull you out of that trouble with such ease and grace?

Powerful Prayer Points for Week 3

Only God can do the impossible and the unfathomable! 

His power and His might cannot be described, therefore, REJOICE and relax

in the realization that only our God can and will protect, provide, and commit

to us in ways that puts fear to shame.  All we need to do is believe and trust him.

Powerful Prayer Points for Week 4
By faith we are with him - trust and know that God Is. As Christians we must face the fact that we will always have trials. We will always have tribulation. Know that these trials & tribulations are not put in our paths to taunt us, they are there to remind us who God is to us!


Thank you God for this amazing time with you!  Learning to be still and getting to know you better, has grown me in so many ways.  I have grown closer to you that allows me to trust you more and more.  I have come to realize that you have my best interest at heart an your will and your ways are perfectly designed to prosper the purposes you placed in me before I came to be. 

Father, continue to guide and shape me as I draw closer to you.  I ask that you go before me when I speak, when I engage with others, and help me to be a good representation of your Kingdom.

Keep all the sisters who participated in this five weeks of prayer in your loving grace.  Continue to be our refuge and strength.  We look to you as our very present help all the while knowing that only you can be the God of all and the God to 'lil 'ole me! - SELAH!

In Jesus Name I Pray,


"I will wait in anticipation of God's Will and Ways In response To My Prayer!"
