Pursue Christ - Week 1, Become Blessable Through Prayer

Welcome to the first week of the ‘Become Blessable Through Prayer’ event!  I hope you have had a chance to think about your sister and compose your first note to her.  I know with the Holidays upon us, it can be a little overwhelming but if we give ourselves a chance to change our perception of the task, you’ll begin to see that this simple act will bring you joy and happiness!

Blessed Beginnings

This week, please read Psalm 112:1 and Ephesians 1:3.  I encourage you to also read Psalm 112 in its entirety as this will lay the foundation of becoming blessable.  Psalm 112:1 sets the stage by declaring the blessedness of those who fear the Lord.  It invites us to praise the Lord with reverence.  Know this fear isn’t about anxiety.  ‘Fear the Lord‘ means to respect Him, obey Him, have obedience to His discipline, and worship Him with an attitude of admiration acknowledging God’s greatness.  The fear of God, is the fear that conquers fear.  This fear aligns us with His divine order and positions us for a life of blessing.  Fears about your life, family, finances and things that are out of your control… He is in control of all things. 

Study Scriptures

Psalm 112:1

(1) Praise the Lord.

Blessed are those who fear the Lord,

Ephesians 1:3

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

Ephesians 1:3 amplifies this message, revealing that God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms,  a realm beyond our earthly comprehension, through Christ.  Recognize that all of this isn’t about seeking blessings; it’s about realizing we are already blessed. 

In His infinite wisdom, God has already set us apart and blessed us beyond measure.

Our pursuit of Christ is not to earn blessings but to align ourselves with the God who has already blessed us in Christ. You can’t earn God’s favor but you can strive to live in a continuous attitude of admiration for Him.  Take a moment each day to praise the Lord for the spiritual blessings lavished upon you in Christ.  Just think, by taking a moment each day, it sets the foundation for a life that reflects the abundance of God’s grace! 

In your realization of your blessed beginnings, you become a blessing to others around you as you actively walk before the Lord laying your requests, desires and prayers before Him submitting to His sovereign Will.

We must embrace the attitude that we are already blessed.

This week, let's immerse ourselves in praise, not as a mere ritual but as a response to the profound realization that, in Christ, we are already blessed beyond measure.

Something to Ponder

How does the fear of the Lord contribute to experiencing spiritual blessings, according to Psalm 112:1 and Ephesians 1:3?

Today, I choose to walk in the fear of the Lord, knowing that in His presence, I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms.

Let Us Pray

Father God,

We come boldly to you today praising your Holy name! Thankful for all the blessings you have bestowed on us and open to receive the blessings that are on the way.

We open our hearts to your Will as we pursue you daily and ask for your guidance in all that we do. Help us to develop a spirit of obedience for the things you ask of us especially when we don't understand your ways. Help us to hold tight to the knowing that you know what's best for us and that your divine plan is more than sufficient.

We honor and praise you, not for the things you're about to do, but for the things you have already put in us before we even knew ourselves. We are so grateful for your love and grace and we will be forever mindful of the importance of adhering to Your divine order.

In Jesus mighty name we humbly pray,


Sing A Song of Praise

Blessable Activity

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