Be A Doer of His Word: Week 2 , Become Blessable Through Prayer

Week 2 of ‘Become Blessable Through Prayer’ has us diving into the power of active faith (We must actively apply God’s principles to our lives), finding joy in God's commands. This faith becomes a source of immeasurable joy.  What kind of joy is this?  This is a joy which extends beyond our personal satisfaction; it is the very thing that shapes your family and community, weaving a tapestry of generational blessings.  

Study Scriptures 

Review from last week:  Psalm 112:1

(1) Praise the Lord.

Blessed are those who fear the Lord,

Psalm 112:2-3

(2) Who find great delight in his commands.

Their children will be mighty in the land;

The generation of the upright will be blessed.

Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures forever.

James 1:22

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says.

Active Faith

Psalm 112:1 asks us if we expect God’s blessings to be overflowing in your life, then we must respect His commands.  Psalm 112:2-3 paints a picture of the blessedness of those who delight in God's instructions. The word ‘delight’ evokes lightness and happiness!  It’s not a burdensome obedience we are entering into, but a joyous response to the wisdom and guidance found in God’s Holy Word; an actively sought out joy in obedience.

Our faith is not meant to be dormant or theoretical. It's an active force that transforms our lives and influences the generations that follow. 

James 1:22 challenges us to be not just hearers but doers (Active participants in the divine narrative unfolding in our lives) of the Word. We must move beyond just listening to God’s word (It's not enough to listen); we must actively apply God's principles (a call to action) to our lives.  God’s word is not just a source of knowledge, but a guide for righteous living and a blueprint, if you will, for blessings.

When you look at the time spent in bible study and measure it by what your attitude and behavior reflect, has it been effective?

Inspiration: Delight in God's commands this week. Let the joy of obedience be your strength. As you actively apply God's principles in your life, you become a living testament to the transformative power of faith. Share this joy with your family and community, becoming a beacon of light and a catalyst for generational blessings.


  1. How does delighting in God's commands lead to a blessed and prosperous life, according to Psalm 112:1-3 and James 1:22?

  2. Do you put into action what you have studied?

Affirmation: I am an active doer of God's Word, finding delight in His commands, and my life is blessed, prosperous, and filled with righteousness.
